Doctoral Consortium

Doctoral Consortium

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: The DC will not take place in the conference hotel, but at The University of Glasgow, Main Campus.

Location: James McCune Smith Learning Hub, Room 430

Chairs: Hannes Högni Vilhjálmsson, (Reykjavik University), Laura B. Hensel, (University of Glasgow)

09:00 Breakfast
09:30 Welcome & Introductions 
10:00Keynote: Carol O’Sullivan, Trinity College Dublin
10:30Coffee Break
11:00Student Presentations (10+10 Q&A) x 4
11:00-11:20: Taiyu Zhang (KU Leuven): Multimodal Interactive Agents for 3D Virtual Reality Environments
11:20-11:40: Téo Guichoux (ISIR, Sorbonne University): Multimodal Behavior Generation for Virtual Agents Animation
11:40-12:00: Julia Melgare (Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul): Simulating Gaze during Locomotion in Natural Environments
12:00-12:20: Emma Mainza Chilufya (Linköping University): Human-Centered Design of Virtual Agents in Social Situations
13:30Student Presentations (10+10 Q&A) x 2
13:30-13:50: Matan Rubin (Hebrew University of Jerusalem): Perceiving Empathy in Human Interactions and Machine-Human Interactions
13:50-14:10: Alireza Mahmoudi Kamelabad (KTH Royal Institute of Technology): Innovative Language Learning Using AI and Robot Environment
14:10-14:30: Asif Ahmmed (New Jersey Institute of Technology): Spatially Aware Embodied Intelligent Virtual Agents in Augmented Reality
14:30Panel Discussion
Panel members: 
Professor Carol O’Sullivan, Trinity College Dublin
Dr. Mary Ellen Foster, University of Glasgow
Dr. Agnes Axelsson, Delft University of Technology
15:20Overview and Next Steps
Information about the mentor sessions, upcoming poster session and proceedings
15:30Coffee Break and Meet with Mentors