Call for Demos

Call for Demos


  • Demo proposal submission date: June 21, 2024
  • Notification of acceptance: June 28, 2024

Demos focus on the presentation and exhibition of implemented systems. If you are working on a project of interest to the IVA community that has a demonstrable component, we encourage you to submit a demonstration paper. Hosting a demo of your work is a great way to meet researchers in the field and receive feedback on your work.

Submitting your demo

Demo paper submissions should be maximum 2 pages long with 1 additional page for references and 1 page detailing all technical requirements for the presentation of the demo. The authors should include in their submissions:

  • Demo title
  • Authors and Presenters: affiliation, email address, selected contact person
  • Rationale: Explain why the system demonstrated is of interest to the IVA research community.
  • System explanation: Give a short explanation of the system, explain its use cases and how it helps bridge a specific knowledge gap.
  • Video material: We recommend that demo submissions include a hyperlink to a video of the demo. The video should be no more than 5 minutes long.

The technical requirements page for the demo should include everything necessary to run and display the demo (e.g., one external monitor, two headsets, one table, etc.).

Please use the ACM Standard format for your submission, more specifically the SigConf format template.

Accepted demos will be presented during a special session at IVA and the papers will be included in the conference proceedings.

Review Criteria, Responsibilities, and Publishing

Demo will be reviewed confidentially. Acceptance will be decided by the IVA2024 Demo and Programme Chairs. Decisions are final. The following criteria will guide the review process:

  • Relevance to IVA
  • Interest to the audience
  • Quality and organization
Submission Requirements

All materials should be submitted via email to Please use the subject line in the following format: DEMO-IVA 2024 | [Your Demo Title].

For questions regarding demos and the submission process please contact the IVA demo chairs, Pablo Arias Sarah and Stefan Olafsson, at